Greetings, fancy seeing you here

A Human Factors Engineer in medical devices, with a background in computer science and intelligent systems.

Hello! I'm Maxine, a Master's graduate in Human-Computer Interaction and Design from the University of California, Irvine. Currently I work in medical devices as a User Researcher - or as what they would call it, a Human Factors Engineer.

Here you will find my portfolio showcase on select projects in my UXR career, soon-to-be-coming blog posts in med tech, and some photos of my cat - who could say no to the latter?

Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
Please feel free to contact me via Linkedin or through email.

Usability Research Projects

Spark: Fostering Spontaneous Conversations in a Remote Workplace


Year: 2022

Role: User Researcher, Project Manager/Lead

Research Method:
Literature Review, Competitive Analysis, Interviews, User Testing (Qualitative + Quantitative)

Research Type:
Formative / Design Verification


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La Café du Chat: Exploring Camaraderie, Trust, and Belonging in Non-Profit Organizations

Furrever Félicité

Year: 2021

Role: User Experience (UX) Researcher

Research Method: Contextual Inquiry, Contextual Interviews, In-Depth
Interviews, Qualitative Coding, Affinity Diagramming

Research Type:
Formative/Generative (Explorative)

Furrever Félicité (Non-Profit Neonatal Kitten Rescue)

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Petco: Evaluating eCommerce, Digital Services, and Digital Innovation

UCI MHCID: User Needs Evaluation

Year: 2022

Role: Lead UX Researcher + Project Manager/Lead

Research Method:
Heuristic Evaluation, Card Sort, Tree Testing,
User Testing (Remote/Unmoderated), First-Impressions Test

Research Type:

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AccuWeather: Evaluating and Redesigning the iOS Experience

UCI: Project in Human-Computer Interaction

Year: 2019

Role: Lead UX Researcher + Project Manager/Lead + Lead Writer

Research Method:
Cognitive Walkthrough, User Interviews, Affinity Diagram, User Testing (In-Person, Moderated), Heuristic Evaluation

Research Type:

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Quotes that Drive my Research Philosophy

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

- William Shakespeeare
Quotes that Drive my Research Philosophy

"The most important lesson I've learned... is that learning isn't simply passing one's eyes over words. Nay... 'Tis when understood for oneself that knowledge attains its true value."

~Y'shtola, Final Fantasy XIV
Quotes that Drive my Research Philosophy

"It is only with the heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye."

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince